Easy Cloud Layering- Enrichment Academy

Class #: 16107
Location: Lake Miona Center - Buena Vista
04/17/2018 & 04/17/2018

12:00 - 4:30pm break for snack

Easy Cloud Layering                      (update 4-2-18)

Learn  one fun way  to layer Clouds and achieve depth  every time. Add fin images if you please…. oooor not. Learn to glaze and layer like the master artists. How did they get those beautiful translucent layers of clouds.

  1. You will need very few colors for this class and a plain white canvas. The colors will be up to you.

Examples- Paint Supplies- Liqutex colors white, plus a die color which means look at the back of the tube and choose a square that is not solid or bring, phthalo blue, alizarin crimson, yellow, orange, portrait pink and we will go from there. You can use the Golden die colors. Ask dk art supply if you are not sure. You may already have these colors. Other brands do not work as the pigment is not strong enough.

2. Brushes- chip brush,  1″ wash brush, liner brush. (Dk art supply has these)

3. Basic supplies for painting are- You can use and size rectangular canvas-  16 x 20 is a good recommended size, a water bucket, Masterson stay wet palette, easel (you can paint flat on the table most of the time). Bring a small sheet of water color paper to practice on before starting on your canvas.

4. Special supplies that are important- At least 3 yellow  round pottery sponges, 1 good sea sponge (not the hard one with. Pick a nicely formed one with loose edges). Glazing medium -very small bottle (You will only use glazing medium if you want to. It is not a necessary expense.)

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