Does Standing Naked Next To Your Painting, Sell Your Art?

There seems to be an epidemic of photographs of naked women standing next to their art for sale. Is this a new form of suffering for art? Dare I say suffering? They have the blank stares of the latest high fashion models crossed with the Manson girls. Is this the magic bullet to marketing art for 2016? It made me pose the question, as a high-flying artist extraordinaire, “Should I be doing this as well”? Looking down instead of up this is definitely not in my bag of tricks especially after fifty. Don’t get me wrong, nothing is dragging on the floor, yet… but really…. Do I have to do this to sell my art? The Muse I must admit that when my husband ( my muse), brought up an assessment of these images in the latest issue of Artnet and more who’s who art editorial publications featuring naked women standing next to their art, the nakedness came back to the forefront of my mind. He said, “Yes it makes you go right to their website to see if there is more of the same”. I know what you are thinking. Of course he was speaking to the question. Was there more art to look at by this fabulous artist? Hacking off Important Bits As recent as the Victorian Era, Popes and Queens thought nothing of hacking off a part or two to make a statue more acceptable. What would Queen Victoria think of this kind of, “freedom of expression”? Your Challenge Should You Choose to Accept, maybe the women standing next to the art has nothing to do with selling the art at all. Maybe it is part of the art itself. I have got to say, I do remember the artist. If that was the intent, it worked. Have you seen these photos? Leave your comments as your point of view is valued.

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