Why Does Chaos Happen? Article 10

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Broken agreements are the sole source of all drama and chaos. I remember sitting in silence for week long programs when learning this super important fact. Yes, I had to take the classes more than once, like most people. The silence was so that you stayed focused and really understood what you needed to learn because there is such resistance to this information.  choaos

When you look, usually the broken agreement is the one that you made with yourself. It can be as simple agreeing to brush your teeth in the morning. We make agreements with ourselves every day and in the art world. We make agreements verbally and in writing with everyone we work with. International artists make agreements having to clarify through language and cultural barriers. I have found this information to be of no less value that a lump of platinum and I am grateful to the wise ones that taught it to me. I can sources this knowledge as a reason for the abundance of peace in my life.chaos 2

So imagine a circle. The agreements flow along, then when one is broken, the circle stops, drama begins. You instinctively can feel almost the moment the circle stops. You cannot make an agreement then choose to not follow through saying, “caveat emptor”. You must go to the person you made the agreement with and make a new agreement. When the other person, and only when , the other person makes a new agreement with you to replace the broken one, the circle is free to restart flowing again smoothly; end of drama. If you have an agreement and don’t complete it you can have drama such as illness, havoc, chaos, etc. You cannot avoid broken agreements. The trick is to constantly make new ones that both people agree to. So don’t procrastinate. Nip it in the bud. Make the new agreement right away. The one that suffers greatest is the one that broke the agreement not the one that experienced the broken agreement. It may seem that this is not true in every instance but I promise you, it is. You have no way of knowing what another person experiences. So often it is hard to see beyond your own immediate place.

chaos picIf someone makes an agreement with me and breaks it with no new agreement, I do not make a big deal about it. I feel compassion for them. I look to see where my broken agreement is which is usually with myself. Then, I quietly slip away because I do not want to get caught in the tailwind of the drama they will experience. This is a sure thing, not a “what if”, not a possibility. It really happens without fail every time. Knowing this simple but secret tip can save you from drama and worry. It is a choice, for sure.    Repost this. Its free. Also, your comments are appreciated.


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