There seems to be an epidemic of photographs of naked women standing next to their art for sale. Is this a new form of suffering for art? Dare I say suffering? They have the blank stares of the latest high fashion models crossed with the Manson girls. Is this the magic bullet to marketing art […]
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I must say that I can certainly identify the periods of my life by the subject matter that ended up in my compositions. The ebb and flow of my emotion moved through the images. Of course, those were the pieces I created that were in free fall and only a few close and trusted friends […]
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Spirit of Spring, Art is the featured work for The Temple Shalom Art Auction, and will be auctioned during the event.
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Broken agreements are the sole source of all drama and chaos. I remember sitting in silence for week long programs when learning this super important fact. Yes, I had to take the classes more than once, like most people. The silence was so that you stayed focused and really understood what you needed to learn […]
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Interior Designers have to be everything to all people on a design project. They dream in color and shapes. Inspiration comes intuitively while half asleep. A good designer works a minimum of eighty hours a week mainly because ideas come from all things. Life experience molds their thoughts. Today we will look through the […]
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So you have completed your first exhibition but you are still wondering, who is actually invited and who attends exhibitions. There is a very easy way to figure this out. The general consensus is that, in a three day show, different types of visitors will pass by your booth. The first day is the VIP […]
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Most promoters of exhibitions have a selection process to choose which artists and galleries they allow into an exhibition. We, the artist, would like to think it is more than meeting a deadline and collecting a fee. Since it is my experience that booth spaces seems to be coordinated into sections or artist styles, I […]
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Knowing how to ship your work is a very important part of being an artist. It can make or break your budget so it is best to learn the ins and outs of the process early in your career. It could and DOES happen. You arrival ready for a show but your art is MIA. […]
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Will Artist Support and Help Each Other? The answer, hands down is “Yes”. It was so exhilarating and refreshing to have this wonderful experience while touring in international exhibitions, this year. Artists at this level are filled with joy, moving so fast that they do not have time to dwell or get caught up in […]
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Here you will find a sure fire way to pay your bills stress free as an artist or art gallery. My father always said, have three egg baskets. This means always have three income sources to ensure that your business will prosper, no matter what comes your way. The egg basket theory works for all businesses, […]
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Co-ops of artists are all run differently. Often they are connected to a gallery space but they do not have to have to be. They could be formed as a group of artists to only travel and do shows together. Use your past experience with groups to answer this question. People all have personalities and […]
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So you have painted the right kind of art. You have received recognition either nationally or internationally. You work has received recognition to a degree but you feel something is missing. How do you take it to the next level? You need to be visible to the right people. Who are the right people? You […]
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