Easy Cloud Painting – The Villages Enrichment Academy

Class #: ART5014
Location: Everglade Rec Center Complex
02/27/2024 & 02/29/2024

1:30pm - 4:00pm

My Everglade Village painting

Enjoy a lesson on value building with your favorite acrylic colors.  Day one uses reference images or simply starting a foundation using techniques to create a unique composition. Day two focuses on established design principles which result in a painting that is mostly happy fluffy clouds. No two images will be the same in the classroom.  Bring any size canvas square or rectangular, (no boards), mostly transparent paints, and the basic table set up only.  No previous experience is needed.  All levels are welcome. I did not orange my background on this painting.

We will focus on the blue cloud painting in class. Bring different acrylic blues such as light blue, purple, ultramarine, cobalt, red, yellow, and white. You can use phthalo blue-green shade or ultramarine high-flow paints from the Golden brand.

You can use any colors that you wish.

Notice the dates are Tuesday and Thursday. The time is also unusual 1:30 pm

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