Broken Necklace


Broken Necklace is dedicated to the Macedonian Poet Kosta Solev Racin. The poet’s work is dedicated closely to the hard social conditions of the Macedonian people and the exploits of the workers.

Original is watercolor and handmade paper from France. Prints available in a vertical format. Mounted to exhibition specification. 70cm x 50cm.

Exhibited- Awarded- Cataloged – to original was exhibited in the “White Dawns” exhibition- Yugoslavia, Macedonia.

Product Description

Broken Necklace is dedicated to the Macedonian Poet Kocho Solev Racin

His poem DAYS:

Like necklaces around the throat

strings of cold stones

so have the days lain down

on our shoulders and weight heavy

Days are they – days

the hardships of hired laborers!

Rise in the morning early

return in the evening late,

in the morning take with you joy

in the evening bring back grief –

a plague on it, may it be

damned, this life of a dog!

Be born a man – become a bondsman

be born a men – and die a beast,

beast like, toil your whole life long

for others, on others’ holdings

For the white palaces of others

dig your own black graves!

For yourselves nought but hard labour

for yourselves nought but trouble –

string a necklace of days

string forged iron rings,

string the chain of iron

bound around your throat!